Fauteuil avec inertie ou fixe
Fully customizable
Plain or colour-printed polyester cover
Fixed seat
All our chairs have an individual story which has been written with the help of our customers.
The Ottoman model emerged as a result of cinema multiplexes. We have developed the chair over the course of several years and adapted it to current requirements. The new cradle increases the chair’s overall sturdiness, while screw fastening ensures firm and robust connections.
This range features reliable seating which has proved to be highly popular since being created by our company. Ottoman is an extremely comfortable chair which uses very sophisticated technology and is easy to install.

Seats fold using inertia-sensitive mechanism
The Ottoman is an extremely comfortable chair which uses very sophisticated technology and is easy to install.
This model features an inertia-sensitive folding mechanism and counterweight rocking system.
The advantage of this technology is that there is no wear and tear sustained when the seat pan tips up and down, unlike with the jack folding system. The base consists of a housing which hides the floor fixings.
The metalwork carries a 10-year guarantee.